Thursday, June 9, 2011

iTunes 10.3 Available NowiTunes 10.3 Available Now

Apple just updated their download page with the iTunes 10.3 download link. The update (at least for the Mac .dmg file) is about 77 MB so it should be an easy download. The download link is below:

iTunes 10.3
This version is a beta and is available to users as we speak. As highlighted in the WWDC keynote, iTunes 10.3 beta includes the highly pronounced iCloud feature. Two other cool features that come bundled with iTunes 10.3 are the iBookstore for Mac and PC and the new purchased tab.

The iBookstore, as mentioned in the keynote, will re-define the shopping and browsing experience for books and will revolutionize how users read and share written content. The new purchased tab adds some new features in regards to:

  • Re-dowloading purchased software and content
  • List of purchased software (available or installed) with an authorized Apple ID signed in

Updates keep rolling on like hot cakes so be on the lookout for more information regarding iTunes, iCloud,Mac OS X Lion, and iOS 5 here on Modmyi

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